Vendor Sponsors

Wildland Fire Canada 2016 is made possible thanks to the generous sponsorship of our quality vendors. Look for their booths and presentations in Kelowna!

Vendor sponsorship opportunities are still available!

Vendors will have their logo displayed on the conference web page and conference program, in addition to active displays at the conference (various times, from Oct. 24 – 27). Active vendor displays for WFC2016 can be purchased in several ways:

Purchasing a display booth
Vendor display booths in the foyer are an important part of the conference program; booths are available for $1600 each, which includes one complimentary registration ticket (all individuals at the conference must be registered).
Booths are now sold out

Sponsoring a meal or coffee break
  • Coffee breaks sponsorships are available for $1000 (a few slots still available); these include a silent slide show during breaks between program sessions, with potential for branding around refreshment and snack booths
  • Lunch sponsorships are available for $2000 (1 remaining); these include a silent slide show and branding opportunity during lunch; a brief oral presentation (~5 mins.) can be arranged if desired
  • Banquet dinner – Sold out
  • Entertainment night (Tues.) a special arrangement is available for sponsoring the wine tasting portion of the entertainment night; please contact us for additional details. (still available)
Live equipment demo during field trip (Wed. afternoon)
  • Live equipment demonstration as part of the conference field trip  (a few slots still available)
      • On Wednesday afternoon, conference delegates will board buses to Westbank (~15-20 minutes) for the start of a full afternoon field trip; part of this event will consist of  an outdoor demonstration (1:30-4:30 pm) for showcasing vendor equipment; delegates will be split into three groups, with each group having 1 hr of dedicated time with vendors
      • Larger equipment (e.g. trucks or heavier machinery), water delivery equipment, aviation equipment or accessories, and UAVs, are all examples of tools that would be appropriate for the field demonstration
        • Water supply and electric power can be arranged if requested ahead of time
      • A limited number of equipment demonstration slots are available; costs are $500 for vendors who have already purchased a conference booth (see above), and $750 for those who have not.

    WFC field trip area_edit


For more information or to purchase a sponsorship, please contact

Ray Ault:
Marc Mousseau:

For equipment demo questions or information, please contact

Dana Hicks:

Thanks for your interest in supporting Wildland Fire Canada 2016!