Wildland Fire Canada 2016 is less than one week away! If you’ve already registered, then pack your bags, get your poster printed, polish up that presentation and get some sleep, because it’s going to be a rocking week of wildland fire excitement! If you haven’t registered, there’s still time. But not much…
We have just a few remaining notes of interest to share:
If we haven’t mentioned it previously, WFC2016 is proud to be partnering with the Westbank First Nation for this event. Both the main conference program and field trip are taking place on the traditional territory of the Okanagan (Syilx) Nation, and the Wednesday field trip is being hosted on Westbank land. We are honoured to have eminent members of the Westbank First Nation providing the conference opening blessing. And Tuesday’s entertainment night will begin with a rollicking feature by local group Syilx Creations! These drummers and dancers will get us all up on our feet, which is just what we need after a full day of conference sessions.
In other news, the conference hotel (Delta Resort) is full! Although this is great news for the organizing committee (we have met our quota – no penalties to pay!), it isn’t very helpful if you’re still looking for a place to stay. We have made a few additional suggestions for nearby accommodation on the website (http://www.wildlandfire2016.ca/accommodation/), although you may have to walk a few blocks from these other hotels to get to the conference.
Parking pro tip: parking at the Delta Hotel is $19 per day. Just a block away (through a pleasant city park and pedestrian walkway) is the Library Plaza Parkade (1360 Ellis Street, west side of street), which is just $6 per day. There is some construction right in front of the parkade, so drive slowly and watch for the signs.
Last but definitely not least, the program is live! Check out http://www.wildlandfire2016.ca/schedule/ for all the details. Note that if you caught the sneak preview last week, check again, because some items have moved around.
See you soon!